Wire o notebook Singapore limiting, also known as wire-o, twin loop wire, wire-o, double loop wire, double-o, ring wire, and a wire tie, is a common commercial bookbinding technique. Customers use this restrictive approach to implant their punched pages onto a "C" molded spine and then use a wire closer to squash the spine until it is round.
Documents bound with wire o notebooks Singapore confining will open fully level on a work surface and allow bound notebook pages to be rotated 360 degrees. In limiting documents with double loop wire o notebook, there are three common hole plans. Each hole configuration has unmistakable sizes and applications where it excels. Here's a quick rundown of the many options.
The three to one pitch hole configuration is most widely used with double loop wire to confine minimal approximate papers. Spines for this restricting type are available in widths ranging from 4.8 mm to 14 mm. Three-to-one contributes wires are not available in open sizes larger than 14 mm. The hole design used for 3:1 pitch wire or notebook confining may be square or round.
While a two-to-one pitch hole configuration is most widely used to restrict larger measured documents, it may also be used to limit more modest distances across books. Wire O Notebook Singapore with a pitch of two to one is most commonly found in sizes ranging from 16 mm to 32 mm. However, a few manufacturers make an exceptional limited approximate 2:1 pitch wire for restricting documents to just 6.4 mm. RENZ GmbH owns the registered brand name One Pitch®, which depicts the small 2:1 pitch wires 1/4" to 1/2".
Previously, some comb confining devices used a wire closer. These devices were intended to be used with a total of 19 loop wires. A plastic comb limiting model is supposed to be used with 19 loop wire. This hole model will have longer rectangular holes with a center diameter of 14 mm.
This method of confining was previously referred to as Ibiwire, which was Ibico's term for this method of restricting. However, when Ibico was purchased by the Overall Limiting Corporation, this type of clause was removed. Curving O Wire is the name given to the 19-loop wire o notebook Singapore today.